It was an absolute thrill to be asked to shoot this festival again. Even more special as this was part of NOFX’s farewell tour.
So long and thanks for all the shoes…
First up Edmonton’s own Real Sickies.

Up Next Get Dead from San Fransisco.

Next up, Vancouver’s finest Celtic Punks The Real McKenzies
The Adolescents from Fullerton California

It was great to see the mighty Circle Jerks again. The last time was 1988 and that’s a whole other lifetime ago.
Up next, ska punk darlings The Interrupters. Always a pleasure to shoot these guys.
Closing up the night of course, the one and only NOFX
As always, I had a blast shooting this event. This was my last official event of 2024 and I can’t wait see what 2025 has in store.
Two days later, I left the country for a month and then bounced around BC for another two. Those photos can be found elsewhere on this site (soon)…